Category Dog Training & Behavior

3 methods to calm your dog around other dogs
It is natural for a dog to be excited being around other dogs, especially if it is their own kind. Dogs are naturally pack animals which means they are used to be in groups. They are highly social animals and…

Getting a second dog: Tips to survive
Getting a second dog will not be as easy as you may think. Even if you dream they will be friends since the first day (playing together from dusk til dawn and sleeping in the same bed) reality might unfortunately…

Aggressive dog
An aggressive dog, no matter how much we may love and cherish him, can become a real problem if he is not handled properly. If he becomes dangerous and bad-tempered despite the affection and attention he receives every day, something…

Dog fights
In order to avoid dog fights there are several aspects we need to consider. Since the responsibility is always ours anyway, and we are the ones who have to answer for the damage caused by our animal if something unpleasant…